Sunday, January 24, 2010

Looping fun

Hey so I thought I'd post some stuff since I haven't been around a computer for a few days. Here's something I did a while ago on my looper. (Improvised)

Also stuff I'll be posting in the future will be more "polished" since some people have brought it to my attention that they'd want to hear the stuff more on time and cleaner. Your wish is my command.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick song idea

I started strumming this on my Electric Ukulele (Mahalo Tele) and then I decided to make a quick little song with it. Timing is off a bit because it's just rough and I only do 1 take for each track (no drums doesn't help).

I recorded 2 different songs with the 1 riff. One a few nights ago and one just a few minutes ago. Weird how it changes so much.

Instruments used : Guitar (Airline), Mandolin (Oscar Schmidt). Ukulele (Mahalo), Violin.

Quick Song Cuter (a verse)
Quick Song 2nd attempt (verse+chorus)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Slang meets Stylophone

I found this on my computer, I did a quick loose cover of New Slang (by The Shins) with my Stylophone. The Stylophone is pretty inexpensive and a lot of fun! You can even hear me dropping my pen at the end of the song. I think I'm running it through my amp with effects.

-New Slang Demo (right-click open new tab)

Pulsar Demo

So recently I purchased the Electro-Harmonix Stereo Pulsar for 60$can used through craigslist. Honestly I needed a tremolo and I'm really glad I got this one. It does the job and more. Once you dial the Depth a bit past 2oclock it goes into negative Phase (or out of phase) and it sounds really alienish.

In this audio file I'm using my Eastwood Airline (guitar) through the Pulsar + Line 6 DL4 into my Fender Blues Deluxe. Other instruments were a mic (going into the pedals) and my Stylophone. I'll slowly post up some pictures of my rig.

Pulsar Demo Audio File (right-click open in new tab)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monophonic Lingo

Monophonic Lingo is a blog I've created to post and share some of my musical ventures with. I'll be posting instruments I'm collecting and find, new songs, jams and whatever else comes to mind.

I've named this blog Monophonic Lingo because Mono(one, being myself)phonic(refers to sound) and Lingo for communicating it.